If you drive a car the way you play an instrument

Periodically, as the band is playing a new piece of music, they tend to put their focus on getting the right notes and maybe the right rhythm. Dynamics, key signature, accidentals, etc…… are often missed. Two quotes I use in situations like these:

“If the notes are on the paper it is your job to play ALL of them.”
and “Play EVERYTHING you see.”

And sometimes, especially with the younger band where many of the students are not yet driving, I will compare playing an instrument to driving a car.

“You want to turn the key, start the car and go…..
and hopefully, no one is coming up beside you;

You think you’re good as long as you stay on the road,
but what about how fast to drive, that school zone sign or crosswalk?

If you drive the way you’re playing, you’re dangerous,
you’ll hurt yourself, or someone else,
or you’ll get the cop’s attention and get a ticket.”

If time, I’ll go into some detail.

BEFORE STARTING THE CAR You fasten your seatbelt, adjust the seat and mirrors. Make sure you have your license. Put the key in the ignition. Do you have enough gas?BEFORE YOU PLAY Check to ensure your instrument is ready; (reeds, valves or slide moving freely). Look at the music. Observe the tempo, time signature, key signature, dynamics — and listen to the conductor’s instructions.
AS YOU DRIVE Make sure it is clear to pull into traffic. Don’t just look straight ahead, check your mirrors. Watch for other traffic, watch for signs (speed limits, road curves, stop signs, traffic lights, railroad crossings, etc).AS YOU PLAY Be award of the others around you. Blend in. Watch the conductor. Note any accidentals, articulation, dynamic or tempo changes that come along. Follow the road maps; fermata, cesura, DS, DC, Coda, repeat, etc.

Some additional comparisons during the rehearsal might include:

Wrong note/accidental – You hit that pothole

Missed cesura – You ignored the railroad crossing and got hit by the train

Dynamics/tempo changes – You missed that curve in the road sign and just crashed

Have you ever watched someone learning to drive? They are super cautious and focused on everything. Pretend like you’re learning to play this piece and focus on ALL the details.

Please share your thoughts.