Halloween 2022

This year we started w/580 pieces of candy. I left a couple minutes before Joan had to make a mad dash for the door (and porch light switch) when she was suddenly down to 6 pieces with another large group approaching. Still…. 1.5hrs was all we could do and there was another hour to go.
Again this year, most were nice, polite and respectful. There were some flashing police lights up the street (one of the pics) — don’t know what that was yet.
Appreciate the police patrolling. Neighbor had a politician helping to hand out candy (esp when voting parents were there).
There were less than a handful of ms girls showing way too much skin…..
Saw groups of bandsters, church families and kids, band families and kids, home group kids…. it was a fun night. I will make comments on some of the pics.
Halloween 2022
Coming at us from both sides
Halloween 2022
Many “Things” in front of our house. I thought there were 6. Neighbor says 9, including one not yet born.

Halloween 2022 

Halloween 2022
Another shot of the “Things”

Halloween 2022 

“The alien has me!”

Halloween 2022 

Halloween 2022
Unloading by van/cars….and that is ok
Halloween 2022
Thankful for police patrolling. I missed the shot of the “Animal Control” car

Halloween 2022

Halloween 2022
Halloween 2022

Halloween 2022
Police lights up the street. Hope everyone was ok
Halloween 2022
Up one side, down the other