2 days of Jury Duty

Jury duty

2 days of jury duty in the books. With 6 felonies and one habitual offender conviction, this one out-of-town drug thug who made the mistake of bringing his stuff to our town, will be off our streets for the next several decades.

Kudos to the observant patrol officer who pulled him over before he reached his destination. He was significantly and specifically trained, prepared and a well-spoken witness and, along with the detective who did a deep-dive on a device and the state police lab technician who tested everything — wow.

The prosecutor organized it all for us. What a case. I hope I don’t have to pass a quiz on drug jargon.

I was also impressed with the judge (husband is the sheriff), pleasant and soft-spoken but totally in control, including communicating well with the jury — and spending time with us after the case to express thanks and answer questions.

The bailiff was helpful with my mobility challenges.

There was a surprise (and very short) second trial. The jury was surprised as we were told to bring our jury notebooks with us back into the courtroom as we were delivering the verdict. Once the verdict was pronounced, the judge informed us that, we couldn’t be told in advance, but now must make a determination whether the defendant is a habitual offender. That didn’t take long.

Hopefully, by the next time I’m called for jury duty, the county will ensure ADA compliance in its courthouse, as it took steps to get into the jury box and even into the two restrooms I used on the 3rd floor. I may be contacting some county politicians.

ps…. some of the excuses used to be excused from duty:

No, I don’t like the police. I’ve been in trouble with them before.

No, I won’t consider circumstantial evidence.

I know a hopelessly addicted addict.

My medication makes things go blurry and also makes my hearing come and go.

‘Maybe’ I can consider circumstantial evidence. ‘Maybe’ I don’t have a problem with the police. ‘Maybe’ I can presume innocence.

Of those who stayed, I was not the oldest. At least one was missing work w/o pay, others who will pay more in child care for the day than they will get from jury pay….

It is not worth the pay, is inconvenient and all that….but if you get called, say YES. You’ll learn a lot.