News 10/12/23: Golda Meir, Jordan is my Lawyer

10/12/23: A Golda Meir quote, and a recommendation to follow Jordan is my Lawyer podcast.

I post on my Personal Facebook page, but sometimes, especially when things are political or I have made multiple posts, they get throttled or hidden from many/most. I put most political opinions on my Personal X page. I am going to periodically use this page to combine content, even if it has little or nothing to do with teaching music.

Israel and Hamas
It was true when she said it and it is true today. For those too young to remember or old enough to forget, Golda Meir was Prime Minister of Israel at the time of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre of Israeli athletes. Do you remember her response? #IStandWithIsrael

I don’t listen to tons of podcasts, but I favorite a few. I listen to Megyn Kelly and Liz Wheeler for their truth-telling news and analysis. I am currently reading Liz Wheeler’s latest book, “Hide Your Children“. I like Ben Shapiro (talks almost too fast for me), Michael Knowles, and Candace Owens from Daily Wire, where I am a middle-level subscriber. The one I want to emphasize today is the “Jordan Is My Lawyer” podcast. Her website claims it is “A podcast about politics and the law. Without the bias.” Yes, that is exactly what it is.

Her podcast usually happens on Tuesdays and Fridays and she publishes a newsletter on Saturday. Today was an extra, special analysis of the Israel conflict happening now. She says it is her most difficult podcast to date, and mentions the hours of reading and researching that went into it.

When I see her logo, I can’t help but think about that movie, “Legally Blonde”, but make no mistake…. Jordan is one of the most concise and easy-to-understand teachers, who happens to also be a lawyer, that I have heard. In response to my question, she said she is no longer practicing law and describes herself as a researcher. Her podcast has zero ads, so unclear how she monetizes herself, but that is not the point. She has an Instagram account to promote her podcast. I have an opinion on why she uses podcasting vs video shows.

She publishes notes about what she is saying and includes links to all documentation and sources she has used. Listen and decide for yourself.

Please share your thoughts.